Time Save:
How a simple FAQ's page for your next incentive trip can save you hundreds of emails and hours of your time!
Questions, questions and more questions are the biggest time suck when planning an incentive trip. This can be for an internal planner and/or an outside travel agent. Many times the same questions are asked over and over again that you start to copy and paste your answers. You understand the need for information but there must be a better way then one-off email responses.
Streamline the Process:
If this has happened to you or your company there is a solution to help cut the number of emails by 70%. One well organized and detailed frequently asked questions webpage or email is a simple solution. The landing page is the preferred of the two as it can constantly be updated as you receive questions you might have missed. The email approach ends up lowering the number of questions but you will still see some reply's to your FAQ's email. It's better than nothing but an organized webpage is your best approach.
You can direct qualifying employees to the page once they secured their spot on the trip and you can even make the page available during the qualifying period so expectations are set. It's okay to ask employees not to email you until they read the FAQ's landing page.
One additional tip is make sure the landing page is mobile optimized. This way the attendees can easily access the landing page from their smart phones or iPad.
Customer Satisfaction:
You would be amazed how a simple FAQ's landing page can cut your daily inbox time commitment and save you responses to hundreds of emails. A few things to include in your FAQ's page are important RSVP dates, attire clarification, the extension policy, cell phone roaming policy, guest allowances and all applicable event policies.
As a meeting planner it is your responsibility to ensure each attendee has the best possible trip and a simple landing page not only improves their experience but simplifies your planning. It's a win win from both sides.